Logs Have Been Disabled


So I have decided to disable logs all together except error logs. I have also wiped the existing logs using the “wipe” command. Logs now direct to /dev/null and no information about users besides hashed passwords and offline messages are stored. You can view the new configuration file fully at xmpp.is/prosody.txt

I hope you are enjoying XMPP.is 😀

Short Downtime Today

Sorry for the couple minute downtime today. To ensure the server is running the latest kernel I have to reboot it every so often. For some odd reason it takes longer than most servers to reboot, so I apologize for any time this happens. This is only done when a kernel upgrade has been completed and isn’t every-other-day. Your client should reconnect automatically when the server comes back up. If you have any concerns please contact me here xmpp.is/contact

XMPP.is Launched!

The team behind cryptoworld.is has now brought netizens of the world another great XMPP/Jabber provider. We are currently in testing stages running Prosody on Debian Jessie. You can use your favorite Jabber/XMPP client to register an account, as we are fully open to registration. Further details about the service and guides on how to connect will be released further down the road. But for now, we hope you enjoy having your own @xmpp.is account!