Disconnection Issues With CryptoStorm VPN

So while using CryptoStorm VPN I noticed that I would randomly disconnect anywhere from 5-30 minutes from XMPP servers including but not limited to XMPP.is. I have tested this with several other services and it happens on all of them while using CryptoStorm. In my case this has happened on their German, Iceland and US nodes. I am going to tell CryptoStorm about this, and from what I have noticed it only affects XMPP connections. Strange isn’t it?

So if you’re using CryptoStorm and you disconnect a lot, it is not our fault πŸ™‚

Edit: CryptoStorm is aware of the issue and it has been ongoing.

The Downtime Incident

So if you were connected about 10-12 hours ago there was a problem with the dedicated server and it went down. According to i3D, the server shut itself off because of overheating in the rack. This is the response I received from them just now. Sorry about that, but apparently it shouldn’t be happening again.

Screenshot - 07182015 - 12:59:58 PM

Added Announcement Module

An announcement feature has been added to the Prosody config, you might have gotten a message yesterday saying the server will be rebooted (that was it). From now on when I’m going to reboot the server or there is an important announcement to make I will send it through there to notify all online users.

Logs Have Been Disabled


So I have decided to disable logs all together except error logs. I have also wiped the existing logs using the “wipe” command. Logs now direct to /dev/null and no information about users besides hashed passwords and offline messages are stored. You can view the new configuration file fully at xmpp.is/prosody.txt

I hope you are enjoying XMPP.is πŸ˜€

Short Downtime Today

Sorry for the couple minute downtime today. To ensure the server is running the latest kernel I have to reboot it every so often. For some odd reason it takes longer than most servers to reboot, so I apologize for any time this happens. This is only done when a kernel upgrade has been completed and isn’t every-other-day. Your client should reconnect automatically when the server comes back up. If you have any concerns please contact me here xmpp.is/contact