Our dedicated server is generously provided at no cost to us from FlokiNET! We are not affiliated with them, although they were kind enough to provide a very nice server for free.
Configuration & Transparency: xmpp.is/about/transparency
General Server Facts:
Server Country: Romania
Backups: Encrypted and synced off-site daily
Security Access Policy: xmpp.is/about/security
File Upload Size Limit: 100 MB
File Upload Expiry: 1 week
MAM Archive Policy: Off by default, must be enabled by client
MAM Archive Expiry: 30 days
Clearnet Server Details:
Domain/Host: xmpp.is, xmpp.chat, xmpp.co, xmpp.cx, xmpp.fi, xmpp.si & xmpp.xyz
SOCKS5 Bytestream Proxy (domain dependent): envoy.xmpp.*
TURN/STUN Server (domain dependent): turn.xmpp.*
BOSH URL: http.xmpp.is/http-bind
In-band Registration: Closed
Web Registration: Open
C2S Port: 5222
S2S Port: 5269
Hidden Service Details:
V2: y2qmqomqpszzryei.onion
V3: 6voaf7iamjpufgwoulypzwwecsm2nu7j5jpgadav2rfqixmpl4d65kid.onion
In-band Registration: Open for Tor HSv2 and v3
C2S Port: 5222
S2S Port: 5269